Issue 22: Anti-Hero
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Paradiso is an independently produced magazine that celebrates creativity and community – our editorial explores the inspiration that feeds our creative consciousness, from people to places, culture to movements, both near and far.
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The Journal
Sammi Hardwick of Double Tap Agency wants you to harness the power of digital marketing, while also maintaining a healthy work life balance.
On a hot summer’s day in Sydney, world-reknowned artist Ken Done – a man who without a doubt has inspired a generation of Australians to chase a creative life – explains colour, art and the wonders of painting.
Claudio Kirac loves his home, the Gold Coast. He’s a Creative Director and artist and for twenty-plus-years he has played a major role in the evolution of his local arts and culture scene.
Our Culture Partner for this issue, Radical Yes, was founded ten years ago to create, design and sell shoes in a way that radically reframed how the Australian shoe industry was operating at the time — small batches of flat shoes to encourage a life lived under the mantras of ‘little and often’ and ‘hasten slowly’. Life and business don’t have to move at a rapid pace. We don’t have to constantly chase productivity. We can enjoy little bursts of productivity or rest as often as we like. It’s the flow of this balance that inspires the Radical Yes line of products. We spoke with three local women who inspire us to live a life full to the brim of both creativity and rest.
HOTMESS are surrealistic party raunch art classes run by Gabrielle Miller and Sophie Taylor. We asked Gab and Soph to expand on what that actually means.
May 2020: The world is locked down and we are living our lives through our phone screens. So we decided to bring all of our creative friends together, to make something beautiful, to be enjoyed on our phones.
Mel Watson of The Numbersmiths wants to blow your money shame out of the water.
An interview with Gosia, of Seashanty.
I am a creative by nature, a poet at heart and these are very uncreative times.
Available soon …
“Paradise is not a place. It is a state of mind.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Our beautiful Tee is screen-printed on ‘Natural’ (a light cream colour) AS Colour staple tee. Join the Creative Consciousness.
This is Paradiso.